Hollywood Reporter tycker Ray Bennett att allt är en obegriplig soppa utan ”coherence, dramatic structure and humor”.

På rumphuggen Variety-prosa är Leslie Felperin mycket mer positiv. Om skådespeleriet: ”Perfs, by a mixture of non-pros and little-known thesps, are impressively naturalistic and spontaneous.” Om Östlunds filmiska ramverk: ”Approach adds flair, but seems a little mannered at times.” Och slutligen: ”Pic could lose 10 minutes or so to sharpen it up.”

Screen Daily diggar Jonathan Rosenbaum Romney också, och droppar namn som Michael Haneke, Neil Labute och Todd Solondz: ”Favouring a softer approach than these satirists, however, Östlund tends to lead his characters close to catastrophe, then pull mercifully back. Ostlund is out not to punish his characters, but to have us share their embarrassment and identify with their weaknesses.”